

Kelom Kasep; Saat Kelom Tidak Lagi Hanya Milik Wanita

Fashionist, terutama wanita pasti sudah tahu dan mungkin pernah menggunakan kelom geulis. Sandal hak tinggi dari kayu Tasikmalayan ini sebenarnya…

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Kelom Kasep; When Kelom No Longer Only Belong to Women

Fashionists, especially females, must have known and have probably ever used kelom geulis. This Tasikmalayan wooden high heel sandal has…

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Non Static Business with Business Incubator

The emergence of Go-Jek, Lazada, and several new startups lately shows that it is not difficult to develop a business…

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Analyze the Inside of a Fruit using ECVT

Fruits are good for our body because it contains many vitamins. However, there are many people are deceived by the…

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Functioning Overseas for the National Development

Dr. Eng. Asep Suhendi, S.Si., M.Si. Functioning based on the area of expertise is one of a person’s satisfactions. However,…

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Moral Messages from Traditional Games

Lately, there are many communities in social media that upload so many kinds of traditional games that used to be…

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The Era of Social Network Analysis (SNA) for Business Area

According to Dr. Tronick, human has a nature to make a relationship with others since they were born. We know…

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Control System to Ease Human Business

The facilitation for human activity is getting more and more real. Along with technology improvement, things that are typically done…

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Acknowledged by Conducting Research

Dr. Adiwijaya The acknowledgment and trust are two things that are difficult to gain. Sometimes people need to do higher…

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Cultivating Jute to be More Beneficial

Talking about jute, everyone must have ever contacted with this thing. Material in the form of a brown sack dull…

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