
EggQ Checking the Quality of Eggs Objectively

Chicken eggs belong to the animal protein sources mostly found in any society since it is affordable. However, uncooked eggs sold in the market have different qualities depending on the time, temperature and storage, as well as the shellcondition whether theyare clean or contaminated by some dirt.
Besides, eggs are fragile food of which the condition cannot be seen from their outer shell. Consumers sometimes dissapointed finding that the eggs she bought has a bad quality when it is cracked. Then, what should the sellers do so that they can sell a qualified fresh egg?
In wholesalers and supermarkets, it is certainly difficult to check the fresh quality of eggs one by one. They usually take an egg as a sample to be cracked and to observe the inside condition of the egg directly. If the egg is apparently good, the egg is considered to remain has a good quality and fresh, and vice versa. However, the observation is still subjective because it will depend on the light and the observant’s eye sight.
There are, however, four categories of eggs including AA (very good quality), A (good quality), B (quite good quality), and C (bad quality). This category is to determine the nutrition the egg hasdepicted by the color and the shape of the white and egg yolk. Therefore, this study is aimed at trying to create a device to measure the quality of an egg, objectively and scientifically, since it
is an android technology based device.
Through theProspective Technology Based Start-Up(Calon Perusahaan Pemula Berbasis Teknologi, CPPBT) research scheme 2017 from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, Kemenristekdikti), EggQ has turned to a product prototype of which the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is 7. It is, however, aimed for the egg distributors/ sellers, wholesalers, markets, supermarkets and food industry using eggs as the main ingredient. The system processed is by taking some eggs as the samples and are then cracked in the ware the EggQ has. The white and egg yolk image is then taken.
After that, by using a digital image processing technology, an algorithm and android based software is then made and installed to EggQ to process and read the egg image. The final image depicted in EggQ may determine the grades of eggs (AA, A, B, C) resulted from the reading process towards the algorithm within the device. The quality and the fresh level of the egg can be detected through the android based application installed in the smartphone.
There are some benefit using EggQ that make this device ready to enter the market. First, the assessmentmade by EggQ can be more objective than that of human (Yolk Color Fan). Second, the shape and product dimension are compact so that it is handy. The last, this device uses an android based application, a simple interface,equipped with a manual book so that it is easy to use.
The development of EggQ is conducted gradually through a number of research processes along with some consultation  with experts from the Faculty of Husbandry of Padjadjaran University (Universitas Padjadjaran, Unpad) and Product Design Study Program of Telkom University. Though it is simple, EggQ has reached some positive responds from a number of MD Fresh Dairy
& Eggs in charge of checking the quality of eggs and of the negotiation towards the price of eggswith suppliers at supermarket warehouses.
It is because that this device will ease the checking process and has a high level of accuracy. To the present time, a number of egg sellers cannot yet determine the quality of eggs within the categories of AA, A, B, and C. As long as the eggs are not watery and rotten, the sellers will sell all their eggs by the same price. However, after using EggQ, eggs can be categorized into different qualitieswhere the information can be provided for the consumers so that it will determine the price of each egg. Based on the research in farming, the eggs obtained from the chicken farm, in general, tend to be fresher since they are hatched recently. However, the quality of eggs at distributors tend to be lower than that since it takes time to either distribute the eggs from the farmer or store them, before they are finally handed to the sellers. By using EggQ, after the checking process, the eggs will be packaged differently according to their quality.

Outside the packaging, there will be a label stating the quality and the expired date. Therefore, sellers can be more selective and increase their product quality. Consumers will also have some benefits since the eggs they buy are qualified.

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