
Fingerprint Extraction Interpolation in QR Code

It is because the process of issuing this card takes one year of time. Though, this e- KTP is very important in many administration processes. Seemingly, this government program is constrained by expensive facilities that should be provided. This is why not every area can be equipped with this facility. Besides, it is important to have an educated operator to run all of the equipments. It will affect the data recording process that usually takes time and it cannot be done in the same time. There is also problem in data gathering and saving the data. Data storing and extraction process to be readable by e-KTP is not easy and cheap.

Price for e-KTP makers at that time is reaching Rp 40 million per unit. And it is impossible for the government to provide this machine in every Kelurahan (sub-district), since the number of Kelurahan is plentiful, so, the officers should take turn in making e-KTP. The effect caused by this process is like domino effect for the next processes, such as inputting data to RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and extracting data process from KTP. Both KTP that are done can only be read by a special reader that is not always available in all institution, and it should be connected to internet. From security point of view, it is easy for people to falsify this e-KTP. Finally, fingerprint and retina record are useless, since the data needed is printed in e-KTP. Therefore, e-KTP cannot guarantee the authentication of the person who owns it.

To see this case, it is important to put a security assurance inside this e-KTP, and it should be easy to make and verify, of course, it needs more fund to do so. For that reason, it is important to consider a  method to perform the same function, but cheaper and easier.

To comprehend the demand mentioned above, a research is conducted related to biometric interpolation in QR code. QR code is a symbol in the form of matrix that. consists of series of square module and it is equipped with a unique finder (unique pattern finder), that is located in three corners of QR. These squares module is how QR code directly authenticated without using complicated device. In the research, biometric is  hid in unused part of data for 1920 bit (for QR Code type 16). Char- acteristic extraction from finger- print, iris or other biometrics can be hid in this  part.  The  process of hiding this biometrics is using steganograph method. Stegano- graph is a process of hiding information in content, and the content here is a picture, sound or text (document).

To strengthen the security in hiding this information, they use Blum Blum Shub function. This function is used to randomize position of data hiding, so it is not easy for people to guess or locate it .

The authentication process of QR Code that is aimed to prove the owner of that QR code is by extracting characteristic that is already included in QR code and later, it will be compared with characteristic extraction from the one who brings that QR Code. If both have the same characteristics, it means that the one who brings that QR Code is really the owner.

If QR code is printed in KTP,  so it can assure that the one who brings it is the real owner, not other people. To do the authentication process, it only needs to use cellular phone with a 5-8 MP camera, and a biometric scanner that can be connected to cellular phone.

This method only needs a common printer and common paper to print KTP. Authentication device needed is only a cellular phone and biometric scanner that cost cheaper than the cost of device  for printing e-KTP that is utilized now. Thus, it is not significant to place someone with a specific competency to print and authenticate e-KTP. It can is clear now, the process of producing and authenticating KTP can be more efficient and save by using the proposed method.

Based on the experiment, accuracy rate of authentication process is around 89.1%. The problem comes from biometric accuracy during the extraction process. The concrete result of this research is software that is planted in a cellular phones.

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