
Modeling The Technology Consumer Behavior

However, the usefulness of this technology needs to be examined to determine the factors that make these technologies are accepted- ed and adopted thus, it can be used by the public repeatedly. It is important to see the continuity of information and communication technologies business for the future. It is also important for businessmen who run technology business areas such as content developers, operators, and providers, this result of examination can be a reference for the development of their business.

In 2003, Venkatesh issued a theory of technology adoption,  namely  Unified  Theory of Acceptance Use Technology (UTAUT), which became a model of technology adoption based on consumer behavior (behavioral consumer). According to Venkatesh, there are several variables that make technology can be adopted, accepted, and used constantly. They are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, gender, age, experience and voluntaries of use. Venkatesh conducted his research in America on a business scale consumers (Business to Business-B2B) in the IBM Company. UTAUT model theory is the newest theory relating on consumer behavior, because it has the best predictive power and comparison that can reach up to 70% better than earlier theories.

Obviously, the UTAUT models may not have the same result when it is applied in one country to other countries. Based on that consideration, the researcher conducted the research again for this particular model development UTAUT in Indonesia and Malaysia to find out consumer behavior awareness at level Business to Consumer (B2C). It is because Indonesia has unique characteristics in acceptance and technology usage.

Based on the data, Indonesia is the second-highest country among the six countries in Southeast Asia that downloads many applications. The most downloaded application is instant messaging in 2013. How- ever, from the application usage side, Indonesia is the lowest coun- try in Southeast Asia that uses it, so that data is very contradictive. For that reason, it needs to be revisited related consumer behavior using this UTAUT models, especially in Indonesia.

Actually, research related to technology adoption has been conducted by researchers when 3G appeared for the first time in 2006. The study was conducted in 2008 on the 3G to see how consumer behavior towards their 3G. At that time, 3G is the fastest connection of information and communication technology speed. This speed will not be useful if it is only used for telephone and SMS (Short Message Services).

For that activity, there should be a content  that  can  be  used  by consumers repeatedly. Then, there is an additional variable on the UTAUT theory which its evidence is necessary to be tested, whether it also influences consumers’ behavior or not. Through qualitative research to a number of consumers and users of technology from operators, business players of information and communication technology, as well as individual consumers, there are three variables generated, namely affordability of devices (the ability to use the tool), affordability of services (service capacity), and the content (content).

As a fact, the first two variables are not proven that they have effects. It is only the content that has effects. The reason is, when the research was being conducted, the cost of information and communication technology in Indonesia was going down and even more, there was price war among operators.

Evidently, the development of UTAUT theory as a model in the study of consumer behavior has been developed by its creator, Venkatesh. In 2012, Venkatesh is- sued UTAUT II theory model with additional variables. There are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, hedonic motivation, price value, habit, age, experience and gender.

Meanwhile, research into consumer behavior using the model UTAUT in Indonesia was directed to the content. In previous studies, the content has proven that it influenced the technology adoption in consumer. The UTAUT II theory issued by Venkatesh, was considered to be different if it was applied in Indonesia and Malaysia, in these cases, there is the possibility of adding a variable in it.

After investigating a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews with a number of people who run the business of information and communication technology as well as individual consumers, there are two other variables that may have effect in the UTAUT II model, namely interoperability and mobile friendliness. Both of these variables will be tested in 2016 on 1,300 consumers and 200 consumer infor- mation and communications technology in Malaysia.

“Killer Application” the Cause of Applied Technology

The roadmap of study conducted also has become narrower since 2008, starting from 3G technology, mobile services, content, until the killer application as a derivative of the content. So, there is something that makes the technology used repeatedly, it is content. The content is not merely about news, stock information, but also applications in real-time.

Today, many applications in mobile technology can be categorized as a killer application. For example, WhatsApp (WA), Line, Instagram, and a variety of other applications are also used as instant messaging and social networking. But all of these applications mostly are not made locally, but it is made in abroad

Through the development of UTAUT II models, the investigation of the killer application was conducted together by the researcher and postgraduate students; it gives evidence that a number of variables of the model UTAUT II causing an application are used very frequently by technology consumers. The killer application research is extended to prove the number of variables of the model UTAUT II in Indonesia and Malaysia in 2016.

These variables are the same as the Venkatesh revealed in the UTAUT II model in 2012, but there are a number of additions. The additions are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, hedonic motivation, price value, habits, age, gender,  by  additional interoperability and mobile-friendliness with extra Interoperability and mobile-friendliness. Interoperability is an application can be operated through a variety of media (gadgets, PC or laptop). While mobile-friendliness is an application neither takes too much data in the data storage nor makes a gadget becomes slow.

Considering the research conducted in Indonesia and Malaysia, there is a possibility for culture variable (cultural) will influence the research in the future. It can be seen from the differences in the characteristics of consumers who have consumer behavior in Indonesia and Malaysia. However, it must be still verified, due to the variable interoperability and new mobile-friendliness will be tested quantitatively in 2016.

If it can be proven, the results of this study can be recommended to a number of local application developers to create applications that confirm the criteria of the model variables UTAUT II. The results of this study can be a reference for operators in Indonesia, because the number of consumers who use the technology applications of instant messaging will increase their further communications traffic.

At the point, this research is part of market research that will have an impact on the development of information and communication technology business. Recommendations that are generated, can be a reference for the application development and business engineering development in the future.

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