
No Need to Queue to Detect a Dental Problem

Have you ever got tootache? It is likely that everyone has ever got this irritating and suffering problem. No wonder it causes some pain even when there is a little noise. It may be resulted from different causes can be various: too much sweet food, hardly brushing teeth, or the tooth condition that cannot take various kinds of food. The easiest and fastest solution is to remove the tooth after
the pain has gone. However, should the pain be ended with removing the tooth?

Dental problems can actually be diagnosed by using x ray in radiology. Later, the result can be received in 2-3 days and it should be taken to the dentist as to be examined. Unfortunately, the diagnosis is still taken manually by a dentist so that it is sometimes not accurate. Besides, it takes time since the process of taking the picture of the tooth condition in radiology can only be taken in a hospital.

Considering this condition, there should be any improvement in the length of dental treatment. One of the strategies is by using effective technology that can help dentists in interpreting x-ray pictures. It is this condition that underlies the study in digital image processing toward x-ray picture of patients, which is focused on generating a device and developed in the Signal Processing Laboratory of the School of Electrical Engineering.

The research started in 2010 was focused on detecting some dental problems, namely granuloma and pulpitis. Generally, there are four kinds of dental problems including pulpitis, granuloma, cyst, and abscess. However, the most challenging is in determining what dental treatment to take for pulpitis since the pain level caused by the problem can be various. As a result, the treatment will also be different. It will not always end with removing the tooth, but it may perhaps also be filled.

The data for this study is comprised by x-ray picture from Radiology Divison at Rumah Sakit Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran (Dental Hospital of Padjadjaran University). The data was priorly processed so that it becomes the database for dentists in interpreting dental problems when they face similar cases. The most challenging part is in data collection since patients cannot be x-rayed without any reasons. Humans have some limitation in the amount of x-ray they tolerate, since it can cause radiation.

The data collection spent for 6 months can only gather 20 cases of granuloma and pulpitis. Another difficulty faced in the study is in determining the devices to take the photo of x-ray picture, including a heavy SLR, big computer scanner, and pocket camera. Considering the objective of the study to make a device that can be used easily and quickly, finaly it was decided that the device to use are a small image scanner connected to handphone.

This study on biomedical technology at least involves more than 32 students since five years ago. Under the cooperation with the Faculty of Dentistry of Padjadjaran University, this research has been in the step of clinical test since it has also received some support from Bandung Techno Park (BTP)
through its commercialization research program as well as from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). Therefore, the output of this study should not only be Limited to publication on journal but also be in the form of prototype which further passes the clinical test, certification, production and marketing.

In clinical test, the device is used by the dentist, radiologist, co-assistant, and students of dentistry. It
is aimed at having the feedback that can be used for the improvement and development in future studies whether it is effective as well as practical, and can support dentists in interpreting xray picture in detecting dental problems, particularly in terms of granuloma and pulpitis. After the clinical test,
the device should still be certified to see its eligibility by involving Asosiasi Dokter Spesialis Radiologi Gigi (Association of Dental Radiologist)

Moreover, while waiting for clinical test and device certification, the development for research is further conducted as to ensure that the device can detect some dental problems at any teeth. It is because that it is possible that the problem in front teeth is different from that of molar and premolar, considering the structure.

Research has been being developed over years to make the device perfect. Even, the development on the device pertaining to product design is required so that it looks more ergonomic and interesting before it is produced massively.

The target market of this device is more to the dental care, particularly the one in some areas far from big hospital. It is hoped that this device can help dentists to cut the time in detecting dental problems, particularly in remote areas where in the past time, as to detect the problems, it requires some reference from radiology, which is only available in big cities. Furthermore, the result can only be available after 2-3 days for the interpretation.

The present of this device can cut the two day process. It is because that an accurate interpretation
on dental problems can be available in hours. Furthermore, patient should not queue in line.

Abstracted from a study entitled: “G-Care & P-care (Application Detection Granuloma and
Pulpitis in Teeth)” of Dr. Ir. Bambang Hidayat, DEA et al.
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